An interview with Max Morgan

An international conspiracy to gain control over vast Arctic oil and gas resources touches close to home in Max Morgan’s riveting spy thriller Black Ice.


Thank you for taking your time

Who are your influences? 
While inspiring books and authors clearly play an important role, my most notable influences are people I have met throughout my life. In the case of Black Ice, my influence is a long-term colleague I met some years ago in Tirana. Despite having to operate in extremely difficult circumstances, it was his integrity, his tenacity and his determination to make things right that I wanted to acknowledge in this novel. This is a great man whom I am now privileged to call a friend. He gave me the will to write about strength in the face of adversity.  If we look at the current geopolitical developments, we must remain strong vis-à-vis growing threats that some are taking way too long to acknowledge.

When did you begin writing? 
I began writing in my childhood, but I wrote exclusively for myself. This presents numerous advantages in that you write for someone who shares your ideas, values and views of the world. Black Ice came about because I wanted to interlock fictional characters with real life world events. I did not know if this book would ever be published, I was just curious to see if I could intertwine my ideas into a good spy story.

How did you come up with your story, characters, etc? 
I decided to write this book because ideas were oozing out of me. It was primordial for me to create characters that one could easily relate to as a reader. I wanted Magnus Ose to be a government employee with every day problems, a man who is at times his own worst enemy, rendering him somewhat endearing to the reader. I wanted to play on Magnus’ psychology and emotions, like a real human being.  I did not want to create a “super spy” normally associated with these types of novels.  I wanted to flesh out the interplay between various intelligence agencies and describe real places that readers could hopefully recognize. Throughout the novel, my literary settings were inspired by real world locations I have personally travelled to.
I’ve always enjoyed reading novels where there was an intersection between literature and geography.

Do you work from an outline? 
I absolutely work from a very structured outline. With this many twists and turns, I needed a road map to make sure everything was clearly written. This is not to say that I did not deviate on a few occasions, but the overall structure remained the same.

Favorite scene in the novel. 
It is a difficult task to pin point one favorite scene but I do very much enjoy the scene in the hotel lobby where DGSE agent Grillet watches Emile Lepoutre, the EuroTechnix executive, enjoy a football game with a drink. Without wanting to give away the plot, this is a central scene where details, which may at first escape the reader, suddenly explain major developments in the storyline. 

Thank you Max for taking the time with Buttonholed Book Reviews

Max Morgan is a former government official with insight into the workings of security intelligence issues. Having traveled and worked around the world, the author is currently employed as a private consultant. For the author’s outstanding work, Morgan was awarded the State Security and Intelligence Cross of Merit by a friendly country.

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