An interview with Lali A. Love

Lali A. Love
Heart of a Warrior Angel - June 17, 2019 ~ Tellwell Talent


Thank you for taking your time for my audience and myself ~

Who are your influences? When did you begin writing?
I began writing my debut novel, Heart of a Warrior Angel about 5 years ago, as I embarked on my own journey of self-love and healing. I was reading Matt Kahn's book "Whatever arises, Love that" which triggered my awakening process. I also began learning how to meditate by following Deepak Chopra's 21-day challenge on YouTube, and I found that I was really intrigued by the whole notion of metaphysics, quantum physics and the study of reality. I loved Eckhart Tolle's book "A New Earth," which really resonated with me. Deepak Chopra's book "You Are the Universe" and "You Are the Placebo" by Dr. Joe Dispenza has been instrumental in my quest for knowledge and understanding that has inspired the visionary fiction component of my book. It takes a community, I guess! I'm still on the path of learning and increasing my awareness, so more books to come!

How do you come up with your stories, characters, character names, POV, etc.?
As a Lightworker, Empath and Alchemist, I have been called to share messages of love, hope, compassion, and forgiveness across the planet to raise the state of the collective consciousness through the use of social media, connecting beautiful like-minded Souls through borderless means around the world.
This was a story that needed to be told, and it started to flow organically as I began to develop the qualities of the main character, protagonists and antagonists. The MC, Lilac is a compilation of many incredible, resilient women that I have met throughout my life who have found the courage and their own inner strength in the face of life's mounting hardships.
For my debut novel, I used a character-driven, omniscient third-person limited POV to ensure the reader is aware and captivated by each of the protagonist's story. I hope the unique, narrative storytelling invokes an emotional response in the reader and takes them on an emotional rollercoaster experience, from the
Lilac’s captivating tale facilitated this inspiring and empowering story of love, compassion, and forgiveness. When I developed the main character, Lilac, I had to imagine how an incarnated angel’s true identity could be stripped away in modern-day society, by humanizing the fantasy. I wanted to make her real and vulnerable, relaying raw emotions and internal conflict that readers could relate to as she struggled to understand her Soul purpose in the face of darkness. I had to dig deep into my own childhood trauma to relay the authentic experiences of the protagonists.

If you could actually meet one of your characters, who would it be? Why?
I definitely relate to the MC. As readers vicariously wade through Lilac’s past experiences of financial hardship, pain, cruelty, and the long-term effects of post-traumatic stress, it was essential to relay her sheer determination to protect her loved ones from harm. She was broken, far from perfect and layered with her own scars, but accepting of her emotional volatility as she actively sought healing techniques to expand her consciousness and discover her true identity. I wanted to portray Lilac as a multi-dimensional character, compelled by pure, unconditional love, giving her layers of emotional and spiritual depth throughout her self-realization journey, as she discovered her warrior wings and began to conquer the evil entities that have been sent to derail her divine mission of breaking the generational bloodline curse.

Do you work from an outline?
Yes, I like to plan my manuscript by using an outline for the novel, with a brief overview for each chapters. I also like to use popular inspirational quotes that set the tone for each scene, the POV and the use of past/present tense as the MC travelled back in time to unlock her suppressed memories.

Can you tell us a little about your writing philosophy?
I don’t have any formal creative writing training; however, I do enjoy writing visionary thrillers that explore the inherent conflicts of the human condition through traditional structure, narrative voice, multi-POVs, and storylines to achieve an elevated sense of artistry.
I enjoy creating multi-layered themes, descriptive narration/plot, and three-dimensional characterization, even in this niche genre of metaphysics.

Do you listen to music as you write?
No, when I’m in the creative flow, I like to write in silence to allow my mind to articulate my vision.

Where is your favorite place to read?
I love to read in my she-den, surrounded by candles, soft and warm throws and pillows. In the winter, I sit in front of my electric fireplace and get lost in the creative world of my favourite novels.

What is the current book your reading?
I am a big fan of self-published and independent writers. I like to provide support for all the talented creatives in the writing community. I have read fiction, fantasy, suspense, non-fiction, romance/coming of age, and thrillers by these fabulously gifted writers.
I have read “The Life and Times of Clyde Kennard” by Derek R. King, “Spider’s Web” by Shannon Condon, “The Cherries” by D. B. Carter, “Innogen Forest” by Camilla Margiana, and “The End of Echoes” by Dawn Hosmer.
I am currently reading “Icarus” by Adam Wing and have another 10 books on my “to be read” list.
The inspiration behind your book, the benefits of your book for the reader and any personal related story compared with the world of your book.

Writing Heart of a Warrior Angel as my debut novel was a passionate process for me. I wanted to relay an inspirational and character-driven narrative that embodied a metaphysical fantasy about an incarnated angel’s journey on earth but also sought to humanize the protagonists’ experiences in the real world, in a way that readers would be able to relate. I have had the pleasure of working with many brave men and women warriors that have shared their stories with me of their childhood violence, and I was astounded to discover how many innocent people suffer due to the generational cycle of alcoholism and abuse.

Since embarking on my own awakening journey 4 years ago, I was inspired to write an emotionally evoking thriller where I could raise awareness on these relevant issues through the characters and share some philosophical insights into epistemology, quantum physics and energy healing. I am humbled to be able to tell this heart-wrenching tale that reflects the realities survivors from various forms of violence, giving them a voice through my characters. It was important to relay a poignant visionary fiction that may resonate with readers and perhaps also serve as a catalyst for changing conversations.

It is my hope that this book resonates with people that can relate to the protagonists’ experiences. My intention for this novel was to provide alternate methods of healing practices such as mindfulness and meditation that the reader may find useful in their own healing journey. It may spark the reader’s curiosity about the study of metaphysics or energy healing concepts. It may even trigger past traumas that require further healing and self-work.

It has been called a “fictional self-help” book, but if it helps one person to begin healing their internal conflict and realize that they have the power and pure potentiality to manifest the reality their heart desires through the transformation of self-love, I will have achieved my calling through the poetic instrument of storytelling. May it be blessed.

On the behalf of my reader's Lali, thank you for your time ~

About the author:

Connect with Lali

Lali A. Love lives in the capital city of Canada with her husband and two beautiful children who are her greatest source of pride, joy, and inspiration. As an Award-winning Author, Lali loves to write stimulating, character-based novels that invoke an emotional response in her readers. She has done extensive research into epistemology and metaphysics to further her understanding of the Universal Laws of Energy.

In her spare time, Lali is committed to writing her visionary fiction/thriller trilogy about spiritual transformation. These mystical novels are based on the journeys of three incarnated Angels that have been brought together in the third-dimensional existence, to realize their Divine Feminine soul purpose. Each of them must experience unique self-actualization to overcome the dark demonic entities that are determined to destroy their inner light to derail their mission.

As a lightworker, Lali has been called to fulfill her soul purpose to embody the light and share positive posts through social media to help uplift humanity.

She is assisting this awakening process by projecting her messages of love, compassion, and unity consciousness to connect beautiful like-minded souls around the world. Through the study of the quantum energy field of transmutation, Lali has refined her energy clearing techniques based on powerful visual imagery to activate a healing response in others. With humility, compassion, and grace, Lali intends to elevate levels of consciousness for the highest good, empowering individuals to speak their authentic truth. She is an advocate for self-healing journeys, self-realization, and self-love. Lali is passionate about this universal call to action and continues to vibrate at high frequencies of loving awareness.

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