The Seeds Of Nightmares did not bring the reader into the story,
it brought the story into reality for the reader.
it brought the story into reality for the reader.
Author: Tony Tremblay
Publisher: Crossroad Press; Macabre Ink First Digital edition (January 9, 2016)
Publication: January 9th, 2016
Pages: 155
Language: English
Jacket design: David Dodd
Author photographer: Chris White
"This book was provided by Tony Tremblay in exchange for my honest review alongside my proffered thank-you for asking."
5 Stars
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Tony Tremblay |
You know folks, sometimes you got to listen to your gut and this collection of nightmares sated that silent sound I heard.
Tony Tremblay's pen told of a debut short-story collection of 13 nightmares that fall hard under the delusional oppression you would not want to have fill your night. Or maybe you do.
I've voiced myself before - my dreams and nightmares are 'little movies that play through the night' and this collection Tony has, I was glad I had my Good-N-Plenty on hand. I sure as hell enjoyed these features.
First off, thanks for the individual introductions to your stories Tony. Your notes prefacing each nightmare are very cool for the Reader to know a little history of where in the world that story came from. You all have heard - Where in the world does that author get his/her idea's? Tony thankfully answers.
I have not read Mr. Tremblay's work before and I was amazed at how captivated I was in each tale. He pulled me in comfortably and then scared the shit out of me. Quick and silent ... then the damn scream that you hope someone hears. Thanks man, I really needed that.
Each tale was tailored so individually different from one another it is difficult to pick a favorite. I prefer to mention a favorite character in my reviews, this case - favorite tale, and with a humble concede, cannot. So, to ratify this for myself, I look and listen to the author's voice. Seriously folks, I want to listen to this voice again. If Tony's conveyance to my frights was as quick and silent and ever so neighborly in The Seeds Of Nightmares, I do wonder of his even darker side.
Tony, you are amazing at introducing the characters and the situation their in, their saga, their story; you bring their existence to life and that's the kicker folks - their real. These characters are actual breathing nightmares with a smell you cannot get rid of for a day or two. These characters were written as if you had met them somewhere and boy I love that in a read. Tony, you have a gift to make pages breathe the way they do. You really do.
I felt their motives were described and detailed so well in short-story form, a reader would understand completely the situation on hand. Or in hand on some occasions during the read. Grin.
As for the themes and your tone and an over-all, as an everyday reader Tony, this book is probably making a new genre - Gotta-read. No, I'm serious here. You don't write to the reader, you talk to them. You scare. The Seeds Of Nightmares did not bring the reader into the story, it brought the story into reality for the reader.
I'm not going to make a list of all the nightmares and comment on each and there is a variety of themes to choose from, but, here's a few that stuck with me:
The Strange Saga of Mattie Dyer - would love to see this in a mini-series starting on a Sunday night. You won't see the ending coming folks.
"Chiyoung and Dongsun's Song" - twisted romance folk tale
The Soldier's Wife - what a twist in this ghost story
Something New - captivating. period.
The Pawnshop - I related to for some strange reason; it reminded me of this recurring nightmare I have although it has nothing to do with the theme. Scratch my ass, scratch my head - crazy. The way Tony wrote that feeling you get, when your hands are tied, but, but, you just have to wait for the outcome and you hope to God it's not a negative one.
The Black Dress - redemption twice?
Tony Tremblay's writing forced me into trance like states as I read, because hell! I was in the midst of it all. Loved it. Loved it. Loved it. What an excellent read!
This short review did not render enough praise I feel, but, rest assured - The Seeds Of Nightmares will not sit for long on your to-read list. Tony Tremblay will captivate you ever so peacefully then ... well, there are no words when he activates your silent scream.
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I would like to give a shout-out to award-winning John McIlveen for introducing me to Tony Tremblay ~ Thank you, that was a great ride
I most recommend this read.
Here's where you can get your fingers on The Seeds Of Nightmares:
- Amazon ~ Hardback $22.99 ~ Kindle $3.99 ~ Paperback $12.99 ~ USD
- Barnes & Noble ~ Hardback $22.99 ~ NOOK $3.99 ~ Paperback $12.99 ~ USD
- IndieBound ~ Support your local book stores
About the author ~
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Tony Tremblay |
Tremblay has also worked as a reviewer of horror fiction for Cemetery Dance Magazine and Horror World.
In addition to his print work, Tremblay is the host of The Taco Society Presents, a cable T. V. show on G-TV based out of Goffstown, NH ( it can be viewed on YouTube ) that features discussions on horror as well as guest interviews with horror authors.
He lives in New Hampshire with his wife Paula.
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Connect with Tony on
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